A liquid iron formulated with advanced surfactant for use in the autumn and early spring for rapid greening up and hardening of turf. Fermos also has the added benefit of deterring moss.

Fermos Overview

Fermos is a complex of iron sulphate and unique surfactants that allow the iron to enter the plant rapidly, but without blackening the turf. Many difficult to control moss species have a very ‘tight’ structure so an effective surfactant allows penetration of the iron into the moss. Where moss is present it will discolour over a period of a few days.

If there is significant moss in the sward it is advisable to scarify or rake out the debris to allow the sward to regenerate and fill the gaps. The application of an autumn and winter fertiliser will further enhance recovery of the grasses.


• Deters moss
• Gives rapid green up
• Hardens turf increasing tolerance to disease and cold stress
• Corrects iron deficiencies
• Reduces the surface pH helping to suppress casting worm activity
• Low application rates • Economical to use

← Moss in Turf

Moss can become a problem on turf, particularly in shady damp situations. Poor surface drainage and reduced airflow above the turf can result in severe infestation. Turf with moss in does not have such good wear or recovery properties and often suffers with poor playing surfaces in the summer.

With the loss of many of the available worm suppressants there is an increased problem from worm casts on turf. The acidification of the upper root zone can reduce the activity of casting worms.

Fermos lowers the surface pH and can be a useful part of an integrated pest management programme.

Application Rate


• 40 litres per Ha in 700 litres of water
• 4 litres per 1000 m2 in 70 litres of water
• Pack size 5 litres
• Pack coverage 1250 m2

Fermos | Avoncrop Amenity Products

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