Arena Gold Turf

Our Arena Gold Turf blends the finest perennial dwarf ryegrass and fescue cultivars to produce a hard-wearing product with a fine leaved appearance. Grown on our light, sandy loam, indigenous soil this turf is compatible with most soil types. 

An ideal choice for areas subject to wear on the golf course and in particular high-quality tees. 

SKU TURF-Arena Gold Turf Category


Our Arena Gold Turf blends the finest perennial dwarf ryegrass and fescue cultivars to produce a hard-wearing product with a fine leaved appearance. 

Grown on our light, sandy loam, indigenous soil this turf is compatible with most soil types. 

An ideal choice for areas subject to wear on the golf course and in particular high-quality tees. 

Available in small roll 1.62m x 0.62m (1m²) and big roll format. 

Suitability & Species List


  • Tees
  • Surrounds, collars and approaches
  • Fairways

Species List

  • 40% Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne)
  • 20% Chewings fescue (Festuca rubra commutata)
  • 40% Slender creeping red fescue (Festuca rubra litoralis)

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