Barenbrug E15 Road Verge
The official grass seed mixture for road verges, as specified by the Department for Transport. Designed to give fast establishment, be tolerant of harsh conditions and grow in poor quality soils.
In the bag
- 40% Strong Creeping Red Fescue
- 25% Perennial Ryegrass
- 10% Chewings Fescue
- 10% Hard Fescue
- 10% Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass
- 2.5% Browntop Bent
- 2.5% White Clover small Leaved
The official grass seed mixture for road verges, as specified by the Department for Transport. Designed to give fast establishment, be tolerant of harsh conditions and grow in poor quality soils. The inclusion of white clover aids growth in impoverished soils. White clover is a legume which takes nitrogen from the air and returns it to the soil, providing a source of nutrients for the neighbouring grass plants.
- The official Department for Transport road verge mixture
- Tolerant of drought and moderate salinity
- Fast to germinate and establish
- Tolerant of a wide range of soils
- Road verges
Official Department for Transport mixture
- The official Department for Transport mixture for use on road verges
- Fast to establish and tolerant of the harsh conditions typical of road verges
- Sowing Rate – 10-20g/m2
- Height of cut – Down to 75mm
- Pack Size – 20kg