Barenbrug Elite Sport Grass Seed Mix
The market-leading grass seed product, for premium sport stadiums and pitches, with the top performing grass varieties on the market.
In the bag (Bag size 20kg)
- 30% Barzico Perennial Ryegrass
- 25% Barbasten Perennial Ryegrass
- 25% Barcristalla Perennial Ryegrass
- 20% Altivo Perennial Ryegrass
The market-leading grass seed product, for premium sport stadiums and pitches, with the top performing grass varieties on the market.
Designed for elite winter sport stadiums and pitches, it focuses on the key characteristics of wear tolerance, recovery, camera-friendly grass colour and disease resistance. ELITE SPORT is changing the game for the renovation and construction of stadiums and other high-quality pitches.
Top performing varieties
Barenbrug’s ELITE SPORT product has been re-formulated for 2023 to include brand new cultivars to the market. Barzico holds the coveted #1* position, trialled under winter sportswear simulation at 25mm height of cut. The cultivar originates from Barenbrug’s Dutch breeding station and is a very strong all-round ryegrass suitable for many applications. Visually, it is mid-fine, extremely dense with a medium green colour. Barbasten sits just below Barzico, as #4*. It is a true winter sports cultivar and a “late-heading” variety from the Dutch breeding station. Coarser in the leaf, paler green and exceptionally active in winter/spring recovery, Barbasten brings additional Drechslera leaf spot tolerance to the product. New for 2023 is the #6 ranked variety, Barpersie, featuring exceptional density and will be balanced with the well-established variety Barcristalla, cementing ELITE SPORT as the market-leading grass seed mixture of its type, designed for elite winter sport stadiums and pitches.
Features & Benefits
Every elite squad should have the perfect combination of characterises. Our ELITE SPORT seed mix blends four of the toughest, most hardwearing perennial ryegrasses into a top-performing team.
High wear tolerance and recovery
The mixture is formulated primarily on performance in the BSPB/STRI Turfgrass Seed 2023 booklet Table S1 for sports pitch wear simulation. All four cultivars are highly ranked, including the #1 ranked variety and ELITE SPORT has the UK’s highest ‘mixture score’ of 7.83.
Camera-friendly colour
Barcristalla is a key variety in ELITE SPORT, with a much darker genetic colour than other top varieties, while Barbasten brings additional Drechslera leaf spot tolerance to the blend and Barzico combines top-rated visual merit and wear tolerance.
- The UK’s no.1 rated mixture with a mixture score of 7.83*
- The only mixture on the market containing both Barzico #1 & Barbasten #4 ranked cultivars and new for 2023 the #6* ranked variety, Barpersie
- Four Barenbrug-bred varieties
- Sowing Rate – 30-50g/m2
- Oversowing Rate – 15-30g/m2
- Sowing Depth – 10-15mm Below Thatch
- Mowing Height – Down to 18mm
- Pack Size: 20kg