Golf Arena Turf

The durability and adaptability of our Golf Arena Turf gives it broad spectrum of uses throughout the golf course and is particularly useful in areas subject to heavy wear and tear. The blend of dwarf perennial ryegrasses, coupled with the rhizomatous characteristics of smooth stalked meadowgrass and creeping red fescue ensures the strength, colour and density of sward expected of this high-quality turf product.

SKU TURF-Golf Arena Turf Category


The durability and adaptability of our Golf Arena Turf gives it broad spectrum of uses throughout the golf course and is particularly useful in areas subject to heavy wear and tear. 

The blend of dwarf perennial ryegrasses, coupled with the rhizomatous characteristics of smooth stalked meadowgrass and creeping red fescue ensures the strength, colour and density of sward expected of this high-quality turf product. 

The multiple, carefully selected cultivars within the mix should ensure compatibility with most growing mediums and environmental conditions encountered on golf courses throughout the UK and Northern Europe. 

We carefully select from our freer draining fields to produce our Golf Arena. 

Available in small roll 1.62m x 0.62m (1m²) and big roll format. 

Suitability & Species List


  • Tees
  • Surrounds, collars and approaches
  • Fairways
  • Semi rough
  • Bunker banks
  • Natural pathways

Species List

  • 30% Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne)
  • 30% Slender creeping red fescue (Festuca rubra litoralis)
  • 15% Strong creeping red fescue (Festuca rubra rubra)
  • 15% Chewings fescue (Festuca rubra commutata)
  • 10% Smooth-stalked meadow grass (Poa pratensis)

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