Our Greens Turf grown on light, sandy indigenous soil is ideal for traditional soil based push-up golf greens.
The turf is produced using the best available seed cultivars and maintained by a dedicated team of turf professionals from sowing through to harvest.
Regular mowing, to a height of 6mm, creates a thick dense sward and clippings are boxed off to avoid the accumulation of organic matter.
Available in small roll 1.62m x 0.62m (1m²).
Suitability & Species List
- Green constructions
- Surrounds, collars and approaches
- Tees and fairways
Species List
- 30% Chewings fescue (Festuca rubra commutata)
- 30% Slender creeping red fescue (Festuca rubra litoralis)
- 40% Browntop bent (Agrostis tenuis)